St. Jerome School 1909

November, 2007
Father David Willett organized a town meeting at the Knights of Columbus Hall to discuss use of buildings and property which would no longer be leased by Graves County Board of Education after June 2010. David Nanny with Nanny Home Inspections provides report dated 11-24-07 to Father Willett of his..Read More
February, 2008
Father David Willett organized a second town hall meeting at the Knights of Columbus Hall to discuss use of buildings and property.
January, 2009
January 11th the first meeting of the Parish Vision and Planning Committee (PVPC) was attended by 19 parishioners with the purpose of providing guidance on the spiritual and physical plant needs of the parish.
February, 2009
February 27th and 28th Sister Geri and Sister Georgia from Murray came to Fancy Farm to facilitate vision training sessions at Haeseley Hall for the 28 parishioners who attended. During those sessions Father Willett provided the following quote: “Whatever we do will be for those whocome after us”. PVPC meetings..Read More
January, 2010
January 28th PVPC meeting held and final recommendations for building and property usage was agreed upon for a formal presentation to the Parish Council.
February, 2011
February a four-person sub-committee of the PVCP committee was appointed by Father Darrell Venters to determine the cost estimates for repair of Haeseley Hall – no fund raising, only obtaining cost estimates. The four members of the sub-committee that would eventually be known as the St. Jerome School 1909 Renovation..Read More
April, 2011
April 17th Bill Macintire from Kentucky Heritage Council (KHC) tours the school building and adds St. Jerome School to the KHC official building database.
May, 2011
May 10th the Parish Council approved the recommendations of the PVPC. Father Darrell Venters gave further guidelines for the sub-committee and the PVPC was dissolved. May 21st a meeting of sub-committee decides that Andy Elliott would serve as committee chair, Bill Higdon as vice-chair, and John Carrico as secretary. This..Read More
November, 2011
The final Three Phase Project Proposal for St. Jerome School was developed by the 1909 Committee and presented to the Parish Council which their approval.
December, 2011
Father Venters gave approval for fund-raising efforts to begin for the repair of the school.
February, 2012
February 18 fund-raising efforts were discussed at all the weekend Masses and a brochure was developed. A Facebook page for St. Jerome School 1909 was created on February 24th (currently over 600 people are members of this group) and a fund-raising campaign was launched to raise $150,000 by October 31,..Read More
January – July, 2013
Asbestos removal, roof replacement, floors cleaned/sanded/re-stained, walls/ceilings/windows painted in hallway and two north classrooms, sidewalks replaced, shrubbery and trees removed, bricks removed from front steps and new railings installed, removal of old windows on front north rooms and hallway entrance door/windows and installation of new windows and door, and installation..Read More
March, 2013
An application was prepared by a Nomination Specialist and sent to the Kentucky Heritage Council to request nomination for the school, the church, other buildings, and 17 acres to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places.
June, 2013
On June 23rd an article in The Mayfield Messenger newspaper is published about the renovation.
July, 2013
A classroom was developed into a reference library with a computer, another classroom was developed like classroom decades ago, and donor plaques and senior composite pictures were hung in the hallway, along with pictures of former pastors and nuns who were principals at the school. An article in the Mayfield..Read More
September, 2013
September 23rd the Kentucky Historic Preservation Review Board approves nomination request for the school, church, and other buildings and 17 acres to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places – nomination is sent to the U.S. Department of the Interior for approval.
October, 2013
On October 13th an article about the church and school being nominated to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places in published in The Paducah Sun Newspaper.
January, 2014
January 8th the U.S. Department of the Interior designated that the St. Jerome School, along with the church, other buildings and 17 acres be placed on the National Register of Historic Places. January 22nd and 23rd articles are published by the Mayfield Messenger and the Paducah Sun newspapers about the..Read More
April, 2014
Classroom floors on the south end of building cleaned, sanded and re-stained and room painted.
August, 2014
Kentucky Heritage Council presents a plaque to the St. Jerome School 1909 Renovation Committee on August 2nd at the 134th St. Jerome Fancy Farm Picnic naming it as being listed on the National Register of Historic Places. On August 16th committee members visited the Hickman County Museum in Clinton, Kentucky..Read More
April, 2016
An application is made to the Kentucky Heritage Council for approval for a preservation tax credit for expenditures made for renovations to the school and church over the past two years.
June, 2016
The Kentucky Heritage Council approves the preservation tax credit application. A grant for $30,000 was received from the Carson-Myre Charitable Foundation in Paducah.
June – July, 2018
The second floor hallway and northeast classroom room painted and the staircase steps and second floor hallway cleaned, sanded, and re-stained. July 18th the name of the Facebook page was changed to St. Jerome School and Museum. July 29th Shelley Bourne from the Mayfield Messenger Newspaper tours the building and..Read More
January, 2020
January 11th a strategic planning retreat was held to determine future projects and needs of the school and museum.
February, 2020
February 10th a meeting was held to discuss the development and creation of a website.